
Surprise! Four Secret Novels by Brandon Sanderson

Created by Dragonsteel Entertainment

A Year of Sanderson: Enjoy books and swag boxes throughout 2023!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Cosmere RPG Kickstarter Is Live Now!
about 2 months ago – Tue, Aug 06, 2024 at 07:01:29 AM

In 2022, we told you we were working with Brotherwise Games to develop a tabletop RPG based on The Stormlight Archive. But there's always another secret, and today we're excited to reveal that the "Stormlight RPG" was actually just a codename for the Cosmere RPG.

This is a canonical, living RPG that will expand as Brandon writes new books and new worlds. From Roshar to Scadrial and beyond, a universe of adventure awaits. Visit the campaign page now!

Surprise! A NEW Secret Project
7 months ago – Tue, Mar 05, 2024 at 01:01:03 PM

Yes, you read that right. Brandon did it again.

Our new campaign is live NOW! Though it is focuses around the release of the leatherbound edition of Words of Radiance, like all our campaigns this one is so much more than just a book. 

Here is a small preview of available rewards:

  • Words of Radiance signed leatherbound edition book—with or without any swag or other rewards.
  • Knights Radiant swag themed around each order’s spren, including: pin, challenge coin, charm, decal, banner, and even optional plushies (available as add-ons).
  • Backer swag, including: spren-themed playing cards, backer pin, epic bookmark, drink coasters, and a special coin.
  • A new secret project: Just like our last campaign, this includes a premium hardcover (with accompanying pin, sticker, and bookmark), ebook, and/or audiobook of a new full-length novel. At the moment, all we will say about this is that if you are a fan of the Cosmere, you’ll want to read this book.
  • The Way of Kings signed leatherbound, available as an add-on.
  • Dragonsteel Prime: Brandon’s unpublished novel written after Elantris that contains the non-canon first version of the Bridge Four story, with a different bridgeleader.
  • The Way of Kings Prime: The second edition of a non-canon, early/alternate version of The Way of Kings Prime with a new cover.
  • A new experience: Hosted by BackerKit, our newest campaign has some interactive features we’ve never been able to do with previous campaigns!

Come join us, speak the immortal words, and add your voice and personality to our ever growing community!

Campaign Complete

With the launch of our new campaign, we have officially closed out this campaign and ended support for any physical shipments and rewards. All digital rewards will remain available through your BackerKit account for as long as it exists (i.e., if you choose to delete your account for privacy or any other reason, be sure to download all rewards first!). Thank you all for this amazing campaign, and we look forward to more fun and interactions with all of you over on BackerKit!


Fun Facts and Final Days of Support
8 months ago – Thu, Feb 08, 2024 at 10:38:53 AM

The Year of Sanderson Campaign Fun Facts: Total number of words edited by the Editorial team: 414,200 Total weight of Kickstarter packages sent: 1,605,465.3 lbs (802.7 tons) Strangest item returned to us by mistake instead of a Kickstarter box: Women's Nike shoes Total feet of shipping labels printed: 351,943.5 feet (66.7 miles) Total number of new products designed, prototyped, and produced (excluding packaging): 64 Total Kickstarter-related customer support tickets addressed: 13,411
As we wrap our groundbreaking crowdfunding campaign and move on to the next, we wanted to share some fun statistics from the last two years!
Support ends March 4, 2024

The last day of support for any rewards related to this campaign will be March 4, 2024, as we will be moving on to our new campaign! Current support is applicable in the following situations:

Sunlit Man, Stormlight, and Sanderson Boxes

The October (Sunlit Man), November (Stormlight Archive), and December (Sanderson Fan) boxes are still fully supported, along with the 13-pin add-on set. If you encountered any issues with these rewards or shipments, please let us know right away.

Bounced Shipments

If you moved or for any other reason your shipment was sent back to us, we have reached out via email to arrange another shipment attempt. If you have received an email from us (and if not check your spam), please reply to it immediately so that we can get your returned rewards back to you.

Incomplete Backer Surveys

For the very limited percentage of backers who have not completed their survey, we have sent emails and direct messages via Kickstarter messages. If you fall in this camp, you have not received any rewards at all. Please complete your survey, and reach out to us if you have any difficulties that we can assist with. We will not ship any unfulfilled rewards after March 4, 2024, and are unable to provide refunds.

A new campaign

If you have missed it previously, we are launching a new campaign beginning March 5, 2024! This campaign is focused around the leatherbound release of Words of Radiance, but will be so much more than a new deluxe edition of one of Brandon's most popular books. Follow the campaign for early access to new details about each Knight Radiant order and be among the first to see the surprises and rewards. Tiers will include a variety of options, including inexpensive ones for those just wanting to participate in the community. We promise to provide a(nother) campaign to remember!

The End! On to a New Beginning
10 months ago – Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 09:38:27 AM

The End

Whatever holiday(s) you observe—be it Lightday, Harmontide, or Survivor's Day—we invite you to join us in our Koloss Head-Munching Day celebration today, including a spoiler livestream with Brandon tonight at 6pm MST!

The "Surprise! Four Secret Novels by Brandon Sanderson" books have all journeyed out into the world. The Year of Sanderson swag boxes have skipped off to their destinations. We have come to the end of our campaign, and want to commemorate this final milestone with you all!

NOTE: For those backers who added on the pin pack, it is still coming. We are actively working on it, and expect to ship 631 pin packs this week.

A Gift

Our December "Sanderson" themed swag box included a small hardcover copy of a previously unpublished short story written by Brandon early in his career. We are pleased to announce that the ebook for this was added today to all backers' download pages, located here.

The free ebook download is also available publicly on the Dragonsteel webstore, and the hardcover book is available for purchase (books will ship when we return to the office in January).

A New Beginning

Wrapping up this campaign and moving into the new year, our sights are now focused on the Words of Radiance leatherbound campaign. Join the ongoing pre-launch party on BackerKit to get first access to campaign updates, interact with the community, and be among the first to speak the ancient oaths on March 5, 2024. We just posted new content today if you are following the campaign!

Incomplete or Missing Rewards

For the very small percentage of backers to whom this applies: March 5 will also be our final day servicing anything related to this campaign. If for any reason you have not received your rewards, reach out to us AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so we can resolve anything preventing us from shipping your rewards.

We will cancel any incomplete or failed payment backer surveys on March 5, and stop customer service support for all physical shipments at this time. Please note: Your existing digital rewards will remain available for download as long as you have your BackerKit account.

Expect one or two more updates as we ship the pin sets to applicable backers and send a final reminder regarding closing out this campaign. In the meantime, we look forward to seeing you over at the Words of Radiance campaign!

'Tis the Dragonsteel Season!
10 months ago – Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 11:10:09 AM

We are heading into the final month of the year. We can hardly believe it! With December comes the end of the Year of Sanderson, and what an incredible year it has been!

Final Address Updates

Packing the Sanderson Fan December box is well underway, and we have begun importing addresses into our shipping software. What does this mean for you? Starting now, if you make an address update, contact us to let us know immediately, as changes may not be reflected in your imported shipping information.

Customer Support Update

As we have done with previous boxes, we will be stopping support for all boxes up through the September box starting December 5. This means we will be adding the Secret Project #3,Cosmere, and Warbreaker boxes to those rewards that we will no longer be able to service after that date. So, if you require any assistance related to these boxes, please reach out to us now

What Have We Been Up To?

Last week our team was very busy running our annual convention! Dragonsteel 2023 was a major success and we had loads of fun. We were so happy to see so many of you there, and we hope to be able to see even more of you next year as we celebrate the release of Stormlight 5. Dragonsteel 2024 will be taking place December 5–7, 2024—that’s right, it’s a three-day weekend convention! More information (including hotel group rates) coming soon, with announcements made on our social media.

Dragonsteel 2024; December 5-7, 2024; Salt Palace Convention Center
What's Your Next Step?

And in case you missed the announcement at Dragonsteel 2023, our next crowdfunding campaign for the Words of Radiance Leatherbound will be taking place entirely on BackerKit! Prepare to speak again the ancient oaths by joining our Launch Party and clicking the “Follow” button to be notified when the project goes live on March 5, 2024.

As we approach the finish line of this historic campaign, we just want to wrap up this update by saying thank you for being a part of this epic journey, and Happy Holidays to all! If you haven’t already picked up your Dragonsteel gifts for friends and family, be sure to check out our store. Sanderseason debut items are still available!